Vulturine Guinea Fowl

Acryllium vulturinum

A Vulturine Guinea
Photo courtesy of Linda Enger

The Vulturine guinea Fowl is a native of sub-Saharan Africa, from Uganda south into eastern Kenya. The most striking of the guinea fowl, it is taller than its relatives. They travel in flocks of 20-50 and their voices have been likened to creaking wagon wheels.

Captive-bred Vulturines become very tame. The hens lay a clutch of 8-15 eggs. Although they do very well in captivity, they do require protection from colder weather and where temperatures reach freezing they need heated quarters.

In the wild, Vulturine Guineas live in large groups of 13 to 65 birds. The flocks may gather to roost or feed together, but the birds always remain with their original group when the larger flocks breaks up.

Vulturine Links:

Texas Peafowl now has Vulturines


There is info on Vulturines scattered about this page from Texas Peafowl

Wild Vulturines in Ethiopia
Photo courtesy of Diana Marek

Same flock, closer up
Photo courtesy of Diana Marek

A pair of Vulturines
Photo courtesy of Linda Enger

A front view
Photo courtesy of Linda Enger

And another side shot
Photo courtesy of Linda Enger

A yearling flock of Vulturines
Photos courtesy of

Head and body
Photos courtesy of Daniel Sörensen

A young Vulturine at Busch Gardens checking me out and then trying to eat my boots

The same bird from both sides

A Vulturine Guinea at the Singapore Zoo
Photos courtesy of Adrian lindcoln Wong

[Guinea Fowl]


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