Mischa Memories

May 16, 2000--November 17, 2000

Here follows the original text from his page:

"The new kid on the block is Mischa (born 16 May 2000). I got him as a toy for Spook, who enjoys him, but is also run ragged by him!"

Mischa was only with me for less than six months, but he became a very important member of the family in that time. I had never put as strong an involvement into acquiring an animal before.

My neighbor Risa's young cat Stella was having an unexpected litter. Once they were born I spent some time with them everyday 'til they were 7 weeks old, so they'd really know me. Then I chose one and brought him home to be a friend to me and a toy for Spook.

He got his name from the way he danced around the house: Mischa is the nickname of Mikhail Baryshnikov.

He fit in really well. He played with Spook from day one. You could hear him purring from across the room, even with music playing. He was smart, affectionate, sure of himself and a kitten without being a "delinquent!" Of course, OwlCat thought he was vermin, but she's like that.

He went to be neutered at six months of age and was one of those rare cats that had an instant bad reaction to the anaesthetic. His heart stopped and nothing would start it again.

Mischa was greatly loved for his short time with us.

Mischa at 8 weeks



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